
$ whoami


Patrick Peng

February 17, 2024

Hi there! I am Retr0REG, you can call me Patrick or Retr0!

The starter and developer for @chatwithbinary.com & AutoGDB

Passionate and innovative Security Researcher and Developer, starter and developer for @chatwithbinary.com & AutoGDB. At the age of 15, I am currently pursuing my studies in Shanghai, China, and dedicating my skills to vulnerability hunting in Python and C, as well as full-stack development with a focus on binary exploitation.

  • ❕ 21 CVE in in Transformers, llama-cpp-python, Managebac, PrivateGPT, lollm-webui, Tenda Routers ....

  • 🤗 Identified and resolved 2 Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability in huggingface/transformers

  • 🚩 10th place in PicoCTF 24, 36th in PicoCTF 22

  • 👀 NLP && Pwn

Specialization: Deeply engaged in vulnerability research within Python and C ecosystems. Enthusiastically involved in full-stack development && binary exploitation.


My ID actually came from "Retr0's Register", because it's kind of long, I shorted it 0reg or retr0reg sometime.

Registers are a type of computer memory built directly into the processor or CPU (Central Processing Unit) that is used to store and manipulate data during the execution of instructions. A register may hold an instruction, a storage address, or any kind of data (such as a bit sequence or individual characters).

'Retr0 ' came from the ID of the protagonist of WatchDog2 (One of the best game I had). I love it but I wanted to combine it with of my favorite Cybersecuity field -> Binary-Expoitation, I added the term Register since it's pretty much the first concept i knew in this field and sounds cool! (Double R)

How I started?


This is a actually a really fun story, when I was around 8-9 (Can't remember exact when), I recieved a game called 'WatchDog2' (Yes also where I got my ID from). WatchDog2 basically described a story of hackers trying to unveil the conspiracy behind a evil corp that spies on citizen's privacy. I was really into that game but back then I literally knew nothing about codings and how computer works, but the seed of cybersecurity start grew in my head.


Arounds two years later, I started to watch a show called Mr.robots (Rami Malek), the show really amazed me in every aspect including technicals details and the acting of these amazing cast, after finishing all four seasons, I started actually "Practising" in Cybersecurity, I remember the first thing I did is that I bought the rubberducky device from season 2 or 3 and trying to "hack" into my teacher's PC. Mr.robots is thing motivated me the most through out the first year of my cybersecurity career


Hacknet is game I think everyone who wanted get into cybersecurity should try. Hacknet also gave me alot of directional advices and answer lots of "What-I-Should-Do" questions, and acutally provided me basis for my further Unix system learning, the commands that I used most offen now came from Hacknet Lollll